On-line Registration - step 1 | – Venue - XXVIIIth Biochemistry Congress

On-line Registration – step 1

Please check the contents of this form carefully as you will not be able to make modifications after submission.
If it is necessary to change any information after submission, please e-mail the changes to the Congress Secretariat: csbmb2025@cbttravel.cz
For your convenience, the system will remember your personal data and use it in any other forms you submit.
  The system will forget your data if you close this window or stay on this page for more than 30 minutes without submitting. 


The discounted fee for members of ČSBMB and SSBMB is based on the condition that the payment of membership fee for 2025 is effected by JUNE 30, 2025.


required = required field(s)

I. Personal details







+ required (+420 123456789)


II. Registration fees


required Early fee
before June 15, 2025
Registration fee
from June 16, 2025
ČSBMB/SSBMB/GMB and PTBioch member10 000  CZK / 400 EUR13 750  CZK / 550 EUR CZK
Non member12 500  CZK / 500 EUR16 250  CZK / 650 EUR CZK
Student (ISIC card, ≤35 years)7 500  CZK / 300 EUR8 750  CZK / 350 EUR CZK
Invited speaker5 000  CZK / 200 EURNot avaible CZK
Plenary speaker/Organizer/Special guest0  CZK0  CZK CZK

One day fee (only for non-presenters):

September 8, 20257 000 CZK / 280 EUR8 250 CZK / 330 EUR CZK
September 9, 20257 000 CZK / 280 EUR8 250 CZK / 330 EUR CZK
September 10, 20257 000 CZK / 280 EUR8 250 CZK / 330 EUR CZK

Full registration fee includes:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions on the respective day
  • Entrance to poster & exhibition area
  • Coffee and tea service during intermissions
  • Name badge, programme and abstract book
  • Congress bag
  • Invitation to Welcome Reception on 7 September, 70th Anniversary of the CSBMB
  • Certificate of attendance

The day registration fee includes, for the day of registration only:

  • One day fee is available only for participants without having a poster or short oral presentation
  • Admission to all scientific sessions
  • Entrance to poster & exhibition area
  • Coffee and tea service during intermissions
  • Name badge
  • Certificate of attendance

Student Registration fee includes:

To be able to apply for student registration fee please send a copy of your ISIC card to sachlova@cbttravel.cz.

  • Admission to all scientific sessions
  • Entrance to poster & exhibition area
  • Coffee and tea service during intermissions
  • Name badge, programme and abstract book
  • Congress bag
  • Invitation to Welcome Reception on 7 September, 70th Anniversary of the CSBMB
  • Certificate of attendance


June 15, 2025
June 16, 2025
Guided Tour of the National Library of Technology, September 9, 2025, 17:00 – 18:00
Guided Tour300 CZK / 13 EURWithin possibilities left, if any CZK
pers. × 300 CZK
Ticket for the organ concert at Our Lady of the Snows, September 9, 2025, 19.30
Ticket for the organ concert500 CZK / 20 EURWithin possibilities left, if any CZK
pers. × 500 CZK
Total CZK

III. Abstract     

Deadline for submission of abstracts to be considered for oral presentation is May 31, 2025..

Please use the template for the preparation of the abstract. Download an abstract template

I would like to present my contribution as:

 short oral communication


Abstract Topics:

 Membranes, Bioenergetics

 Cells and Organelles

 DNA, RNA, Gene Expression, Epigenetics


 Bioinformatics and Structural Biology

 Artificial Intelligence




 Molecular Basis of Diseases

 Redox Biochemistry and Sensors


 Viruses, Microbes and Parasites


Insert in format doc, docx or pdf. The maximum size is 5 megabytes.

IV. Payment

  • Credit Card – Push payment system povinné pole/required field

    Congress Business Travel will generate a unique payment link for each participant, which will be sent to their email address within 5 business days.

    The link will remain valid for a few days, as indicated in the email. If you choose to pay via PUSH payment, simply click on the link, and your browser will redirect you to the GPwebpay payment gateway.

    GPwebpay – Global Payments Europe is one of the most widely used payment gateways in the Czech Republic. It is secured with 3D Secure and supports payments from Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard.

  • Bank Transfer required

    Bank nameČeská spořitelna
    Bank addressRytířská 29, 110 00 Praha 1, Česká republika
    Account number1942073339
    Bank code0800
    Account nameCongress Business Travel
    IBANCZ63 0800 0000 0019 4207 3339
    Payment details participant's full name / 101
    (e.g. John Smith / 101) (if it is impossible to include the name on the bank transfer kindly mark "101" only)

    Please note that all bank charges should be fully covered by the payer.
    The copy of the bank transfer should be sent by fax or mail to the Conference Secretariat.

V. Payer

 I request a proforma invoice

Different payer of invoice


Invoice address





+ (+420 123456789)


VI. Notes

Please write your requirements (not guaranteed)

VII. I agree with the use of my personal data

I agree with the use of my personal data by the company Congress Business Travel spol., s r.o., in accordance with the Czech Personal Information Protection Act 101/2000 Sb. The data will be used solely for the purposes of this symposium; giving consent is a necessary condition of your registration.